Five Degrees Off Normal: Episode 2 (A Metaphor for my Mind)

Hello you magnificent collection of stardust!

Seems my love of certain video games gives me a way to translate what’s going on in my grey matter.  Enjoy!

Here’s a link to Supergiant Games.  Their level of epicness is over 9000!  Name a game developer that gives away sheet music for songs in their game?! You can’t, can you?  Well these guys do.  Guitar Tabs and Piano Arrangements!

Zendead and Nulloperations are doing the Dog Days of Podcasting too. They’re at Seize the GM and Hidden Node.  Give them a listen… or else I’ll call the Brute Squad.

The amazing music for this podcast is from Overclocked Remix.  The song is called Nova Siberia. It’s Big Giant Circle’s remix of Mass Effect’s Novaria.

Five Degrees Off Normal: Episode 1 (Introductions Are In Order)

Salutations, Fellow Humanoid Carbon Units.

For starters, you all can thank/blame my good friends Zendead and Nulloperations for this podcast.  They host Seize the GM and The Hidden Grid, respectively.  They’re great folks, so go say hi!

The amazing music for this podcast is from Overclocked Remix.  The song is called Nova Siberia. It’s Big Giant Circle’s remix of Mass Effect’s Novaria.